Friday, April 21, 2023

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Homoeopathic treatment in Polycystic ovary disease 1


Are you a victim of PCOD ?

1 in 10 women have PCOS

PCOS  polycystic ovary disease is a variable disorder that is marked primarily by

Acne (Pimples), Hair loss 40%-70% , Hirsutism  (unwanted hair over upper lip , external neck ) 70%, Irregular Menstruation  like  Amenorrhea 75%-80% , Weight gain 55%-80% and mood swings

.There are several factors that researchers think, plays roles in the cause of PCOS. Excess insulin Usually initiated by an elevated level of luteinizing hormone, androgen, or estrogen,

There is no proper treatment in other systems of medicine,

Only in Homoeopathic system of medicine  there is  treatment, as treatment  is given by individual constitution .

A case of poly cystic ovarian syndrome -Homoeopathic treatment

 The journey to fertility -  A case of  poly cystic ovarian syndrome 

Prof  G R Mohan
M D (Hom)., P G Dip (Env Stud)
Former Principal, Devs Homeopathic Medical College,
Deva nagar, Ankireddypalli, Kesara mandal, R R Disrtict, A

Key words: Poly cystic ovarian syndrome, Homeopathic remedies

Poly cystic ovarian syndrome first described by American gynecologists Stein and Leventhal in 1935,  the Poly cystic ovarian syndrome  is a hormonal disorder affecting 10-15% of women, worldwide, irrespective of race or color. The World Health Organization estimates that it affects 116 million women worldwide as of 2010 (3.4% of the women). According  Dr Rajeev Punjabi India witnesses alarming rise in the incidence of  PCOS, India has witnessed about 30 per cent rise in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) cases in the last couple of years. Lack of awareness and lifestyle changes are considered to be the major factor leading to this phenomenon., 1 2
At least 12 follicles  develop in the ovaries (polycystic means 'many cysts'). Cysts are fluid-filled sacs. Increased  testosterone  level,  raised levels  of insulin in the bloodstream is thought to be the main underlying reason to develop PCOS. A high level of  Luteinising hormone  is found in about 4 in 10 women with PCOS this test is suggestive but not diagnostic. 1,3
Symptoms: menstrual intervals longer than 35 days; less than eight menstrual cycles a yearin some cases, failure to menstruate for four months or longer; and that prolonged periods may be scant or heavier.
Elevated levels of male hormones androgens  lead to Acne Vulgaris ,oily skin, Hirsutism (69%) androgenic alopeciaaround the armpits, groin, neck, and breasts dark or thick skin markings and creases , Clitoris swelling, Central Obesity (apple shaped ) BodyMass Index over 27  Mood disturbance . 74% Infertility and Recurrent Miscarriage are noticed.
Management :
A systematically selected homeopathic remedy has the capacity to correct hormonal imbalance due to poly cystic ovarian syndrome  by stimulating the glands to secrete various hormones in the required manner, on the the basic pathology, miasmatic nature, individual study, a suitable homeopathic similimum  will bring  an excellent change in blood and sonographic reading. Homeopathic remedies would help in the regression of ovarian cysts.
Losing 5 percent to 10 percent of weight according to BodyMass Index, can help to restart ovulation, Exercise can help you lose weight. Diet : Low glycemic index foods, diet include whole grains, beans, fruit, vegetables and lean protein , Eating a few small meals rather than three big ones may help even out blood sugar levels

A case  of Poly cystic ovarian syndrome  : Patient by name MS S, aged 20 years, unmarried , student , who was dreaming to get married and conceive , came to me on 10-02-2013 who was medium built, with 64.9 Kg weight, hot patient, very irritable, known case of hypothyroidism since 4 years presented the following symptoms
Presenting complaints:
Menses delayed by 5 months, irregularity since 3 years
Irritability 2 years
Anxiety about health 1year
Haughty since 8 months
Hair over upper lip, neck. 2 years
Past history:
Since 2007 period is late, was diagnosed as hypothyroidism and kept on allopathic medication, taking medication for P C O S also.
Family history:  F/H hypothyroidism
Personal history
Appetite- Good
Diet- mixed.
Thirst- less.
Desire- Cold food , desire spicy food.
 Aversions/ intolerance- NS.
Bowels- Regular.
Urine- 5/6 times/day. No special. Characteristics.
Sweat- NP
Sleep- refreshing
Habits and addiction : no
Life space investigation.
 She  belongs to an upper middle class family of Hyderabad. Her  father is a business person   . She is a  first child of her parents. Had normal childhood, 3 years back her mother died due to health problem.
 General physical examination
The patient was short stature  64.9  Kg weight, B M I: 25,  no pallor, cyanosis, edema, clubbing or lymphadenopathy.
Systemic examination
 Examination of neck : slight swelling of thyroid gland on deglutition.
 GIT System: abdomen was soft, liver palpable, spleen not enlarged
 CNS System: Nothing abnormal detected
 CVS System: Nothing abnormal detected
 Respiratory System: Nothing abnormal detected

U S Scan on different times : P C O D ( 2009, 2010 & 2012 )
Antverted uterus, Endometrial thickness :
F S H 6. 7.9 ; L H :21.78 ; S Prolactine : 8.8
T S H : 3.78uiu/ml
Clinical diagnosis: P C O D
 Clinical classification :
 Dynamic chronic fully developed miasmatic disease.
 Miasmatic diagnosis
 Psoro -Sycotic and Syphilitic.
 Susceptibility: moderate
 Totality of symptoms :
 Anxiety about health
 Desire for open air
 Desire for cold  Food , desire spicy food 
 Menses late
*         Thirstless
*         Repertorisation chart (attached below4
*         Phosphorus  and Pulsatilla were the first two remedies emerged on Repertorisation. Reasons for selecting Pulsatilla was due to as it covered  all symptoms with  maximum score. Boericke says  "it is pre-eminently a female remedy , He says that the disposition and mental state are the chief guiding symptoms to the selection of Pulsatilla.
*         10/02/2013   before the total case was taken , on the day one Thuja30C, Five doses were given every 12 the hourly, along with Placebo 5 days .
*          patient came on 26-2-13 no trace of menses Pulasatilla 200c ,5doses were given  with Placebo for 20 days .
*          24-03-13 :  patient came with  no trace of menses Pulasatilla IM, 3doses  were given with Placebo 30 days . 
*         21-04-13 :  patient came  and said that menses appeared on 17-04-13, bleeding was more. Only Placebo 30days  was given. 
*         19-05-13 :  patient came  and said  menstrual bleeding continued  for 20 days, extreme weakness  China 200C, 5 doses ,  Placebo 15days,  Carcinosin 1M , one dose , Placebo 15days  was given.
*         16-06-13 :  patient came  and said weakness reduced, Menses was again delayed 12 days, it appeared on 29-05-13, LM P  was on 17-04-13,  Pulasatilla I0M, one dose  was  given with Placebo 30 days .  I have advised her to undergo U S Scan of the abdomen.
*         14-07-13 :  patient came  and said menses appeared  on 29-06-13, two days bleeding was present, weakness reduced, Placebo 30days . 

25-08-13 :  patient came  with the U S Scan report which was showing Normal study (attached below). Irritation and other symptoms were normal. Carcinosin 1M , one dose , Placebo 15days  was given.Ahoka Q, was given daily .

Discussion :
In the above case  all investigations were pointing towards  Poly cystic ovarian syndrome . since 2009 she is having the problem, took various treatments with out any benefit, as her age was marriage age, any girl wish to get married and concive, but her periods were very irregular, many times she was kept on contraceptive pills to regulate periods and used metformin without any benefit. with that she gained her weight. 2009 to 2013 she has put on 11 kg weight.developed sever anxity about her health and future.
In the conventional treatment Medical treatment Polycystic ovaries are treated with a laparoscopic procedure called "ovarian drilling" Or Reducing insulin resistance by improving insulin sensitivity through medications such as Metformin anti diabetic drug. If fertility is not the primary aim, then menstruation is  regulated with a contraceptive pill . 1
 Pulasatilla has given good result in regulating menstruation , it has changed her mood, helped Her to shed weight and lastly  Poly cystic ovarian Cysts  vanished with homeopathic remedies. In the above case Carcinosin Burnett was given; as  it coved  Sycotic, Tubercular, Syphilitic miasms, it’s a  Chronic, Intercurrent remedy . Thuja Occidentalis  covered   Psoric, Sycotic, Syphilitic miasms
It's surprising to note that Pulsatilla which is selected  on the basis of repertriation , given to the patient gave success, but following observations were noted.
In Murphy’s repertory  under the rubric  female-Tumors, genitals-ovaries, cysts : 44 remedies are there but Pulsatilla is missing
Synthesis 8.1 V repertory  under the rubric  female-Tumors, genitals-ovaries, cysts : 32 remedies are there but Pulsatilla is missing
Boericke O, repertory  under the rubric  female sexual system -ovaries, cysts dropsy  : 25 remedies are there but Pulsatilla is missing

References :

1) Ganie M A, Kalra S. Polycystic ovary syndrome - A metabolic malady, the mother of all lifestyle disorders in women -2011 [cited 2013 Sep 16]; 15:239-41. Available from:

 4) Hompath Wildfire

Friday, November 6, 2020

Respiratory Allergies and Homoeopathic treatment - Its safe


Respiratory Allergies and Homoeopathic treatment - Its safe 

An Indian study reported that prevalence of allergic rhinitis was 11·3% in children aged 6–7 years, and 24·4% in children aged 13–14 years. Apr 1,2020, In terms of the age-groups affected, about 70 per cent of patients develop allergic rhinitis before they are 30 years of age and, the adolescent children have greater incidence with allergic rhinitis occurring between 8-11 years of age.  Over $600 million is spent annually in the management of this disease by United States which does not include the costs of the 2 million lost workdays, 3 million lost school days and 28 million days of decreased productivity from the symptoms of the disease and/or side-effects of the medications used to treat them.

Among India's 1.31 billion people, about 6% of children and 2% of adults have asthma.

Heredity plays a role in the development of allergies.  The risk of the developing allergies is 18% if neither parent is atopic, 20% if one parent is atopic and 50% if both parents are atopic.

Common Causes

Irritants like smoke, perfumes, strong smells, air pollutants and temperature changes, dust mites (see figure), polluted areas having high levels of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen diospets, moulds growing on wallpaper, upholstery, carping and plants within the house are found to cause allergic rhinitis.  Grasses and trees (in fig ) that release minute pollen grains are also known to cause allergies.  Allergies contracted from grass are experienced more in the late afternoon while that from mould spores may peak on dry windy afternoons or on damp or rainy days in the early morning.  Intake of alcoholic drinks like wines and beer, sea foods, chlorine in swimming pool water, drugs like birth control pills and female hormones, some drugs used for blood pressure control, aspirin and chronic use of decongestants in the nose can also produce rhinitis.

Perennial rhinitis:  common causes are dust mite (in fig) found in many homes, and domestic pets.  Salivary protein of cat, allergens from cockroaches etc. also cause perennial rhinitis.  Occupational rhinitis is caused by an agent inhaled at the work place.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis include frequent or repetitive sneezing (it is an allergic reaction to something in the air); a runny or congested nose; itching in the nose, eyes, throat, or roof of the mouth; plugged-up ear canals; sore throat; occasional nose-bleeds; impaired smell and wheezing. 

Almost 20-50 percent of patients with allergic rhinitis go on to develop asthma as allergic rhinitis is a risk factor for developing asthma.  A large number of children who start with asthma also develop allergic rhinitis.


The most important diagnostic tool is the history of the illness.  The timing of symptoms also helps in making the diagnosis.  Allergic rhinitis that appears seasonally is almost always due to pollen; and outdoor allergens can be detected by conducting a skin test when the patient is not taking antihistamines. Skin-testing should also be avoided in patients with extensive eczema.  For such patients, ELISA and RAST are two commonly used methods that measure the presence of food-specific IgE I the blood of the patients

Treatment: A detailed clinical history of the patient’s illness will identify the likely cause of rhinitis. Medical philosophy is increasingly coming to the conclusion that the mere treatment of symptoms and organs can only help temporarily and that it is the healing power of the body as a whole that has to be enhanced.  Homoeopathy believes in a holistic, totalistic and individualistic approach which provides relief, free of side-effects.

The following  homoeopathic remedies which can be tried under the guidance of qualified Homoeopathic Physician, Arsenicum album, Allium Cepa, Euphrasia, Arum triphyllum,Lemna Minor, Kali lod, Sulphur,Teucrium  marum verum, Solidago, Sanguinaria nitrate, Pothos and Psorinum.

This article is for creating awareness towards Homoeopathy, which is safe and gives almost permanent cure in respiratory allegies

 Full length article available in authors book  'Wonders of Homoeopathy an evidenced based  study '  available in Amazon India 


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Wonders of Homoeopathy an Evidence based study by Prof G R Mohan


About  author Prof G R Mohan, MD (Hom).,P G Dip (Env Stu) :

Former Principal of Devs Homoeopathic Medical College, Telangana , India, he is a Homoeopathic Consultant practicing for over forty five years. With twenty seven Years of teaching experience. Dr Mohan is the recipient of Govt of A P Meritorious Best Teacher Award for 2005.

About  the  book:

 Wonders of Homoeopathy: An Evidence-based Study is a compilation of his work and research of over 30 years. Some case studies and success stories presented in this book have been published in various national and international scientific journals such as British Homoeopathic Journal, Homoeopathic Links, Asian Journal of Homoeopathy, NHJ and the Homoeopathic Heritage. Fore words were written by Dr K Siva Shankar, former Addl Director AYUSH dept A P, and by Prof Chaurbhuja Nayak,Former Director General CCRH, Govt of India,

Wonders of Homoeopathy: An Evidence-based Study is a compilation of his work and research of over 30 years of case studies and scientific papers those deep dives into diagnosis and treatment of common and rare disorders such as Cervical Spondylosis, Gilbert’s Syndrome , Cerebral Palsy, Bipolar Mood Disorder and Prolapse Inter Vertebral Disc etc. The topics covered in this book will serve as a guide and a ready reference for Homoeopathic Practitioners, Post Graduate and Undergraduate..

Price Rs 300/  available on online through  Amazon