Sunday, December 18, 2011

Psoriasis types Homoeopathic Cure

Clinical Study of Types of Psoriasis and Homoeopathic Management.

Presented at LIGA 2011,International conference at New Delhi on 4TH Dec2011
Psoriasis is a common, chronic, recurrent2, non-infectious genetically determined, inflammatory skin disorder of unknown cause, papulosquamous skin disease that may appear at any age and affect any part of the skin.
25cases were studied (20male & 5female), the diagnosis was made clinically; some cases were referred by Dermatologists. In 6 Cases BMI was above 30, 6 cases were US based, in 3 cases sever negative impact was present, the types of Psoriatic cases were as shown in table below. Improvement Scale :47.6% cases got above 70% improvement, 28.5% cases got above 50% improvement, 14.4% cases got above 30% improvement, 9.5% cases got above 10% improvement, The medicines found useful were Calcaria  Carb, Graphites,Nat murur, Pulsatilla, Ars Alb, Thuja oc, Sepia, Acid Nitric, Sulphur and Thyroidin. Following nosodes were given Tuberculinum, Syphilinum and Carcinosin. The potencies used were in 30, 200 and 1M. The 30 potency was repeated weekly, 200 potencies were repeated fortnightly and 1M potency was repeated after a month. Nosodes were given in 1M potency. Along with treatment diet advice, Psychological counseling was given.


It is a common belief that Psoriatic diseases difficult to cure, but if you take detailed life space investigation, read the mind of psoriatic patient we can overcome the challenges in treating Psoriatic diseases. In conventional system of medicine treatment is unsatisfactory as the ‘cause’ is unknown; hence the treatment is only palliative; In Homoeopathic system psoriatic skin diseases can be treated successfully. Guttate psoriasis, Pustular psoriasis, Psoriatic Tongue and Erythrodermic psoriasis which are successfully treated by the author, details of cases are published in reference cited journals 

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