Monday, October 10, 2011

Mental and behavioural disorders & Homoeopathy

World Mental Health Day
10 October 2011

This year’s theme is “investing in mental health

Mental and behavioural disorders are found in people of all regions, all countries and all societies. Recent analyses by the World Health Organization show that at any point in time has an aggregate prevalence is about 10% for adults. About 450 million people in the world were estimated to be suffering from neuropsychiatric conditions. These disorders not only affect the patients and their families but also adversely impact on the country’s productivity and economy
According to Ganguli, the national prevalence rates for `all mental disorders' arrived at are 70.5 (rural), 73 (urban) and 73 (rural + urban) per 1000 population (15). At various times most people experience anxiety, depression, sleeps disturbance, and somatic preoccupation. In most cases, such symptoms are transient, and their precipitating causes are upcoming examination, a new job, marriage, and divorce and family problems, in these instances reassuring the patient by physician the symptoms will become transient and situational. Diagnostic criteria for a diagnosis of psychiatric disorders depend up on the, family history of similar symptoms, symptoms consistent with the natural history of a psychiatric disorder. Emotional symptoms associated with specific situations are usually classified as reactions to the situation do not usually become psychiatric disorders. Person's personality is important, obsessive, passive, or antisocial personality traits are few examples .When these characteristics interfere with the individual's ability to function, the condition is regarded as a personality disorder.
In Homoeopathic system knowingly or unknowingly we are tackling the psychological illness whether it is due to physical cause or social cause. We give importance to mental symptoms; temperaments etc. success rate is comparatively good.
Mental diseases are one - side diseases of Psoric origin where the predominant alteration is in the mental faculty of the individual. The following are the types. (I) Following the decline of corporeal or physical symptoms, the disease seems to localize to the mind with predominant mental symptoms (ii) Mental diseases appearing suddenly precipitated by sudden fright, grief (iii) Mental diseases of doubtful origin where the disease results from faults of education, corrupt morals, superstition etc (iV) Mental diseases due to prolonged worry, anxiety, fear which later on may affect the physical health of the individual.

It is a health educative article – full length article is published
Pain of mind is worse than pain of body. –Syrus
Dr G R Mohan, Study of common Mental illness in urban population with a Homoeopathic Approach, Asian jour of Homoeopathy, vol 3, no 2(3) May 2008Jul 2008

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