Smt P 70F
Whitish discoloration over face,
Weeping tendency,
Falling tendency
• Patient belongs to lower middle class, widow, dependent, discoloration over face since 2 decades, worried about her complaints, thinks that because of her discoloration over face granddaughters may not get matches for their marriage , weeping tendency, falling tendency to sides, wants company, Inferiority complex due her discoloration over face, memory bad, indifference, fear of croud, fear of dark, suspicious.
• PAST HISTORY : nothing particular
• TREATMENT HISTORY : multiple treatment like Ayurvedic,Unani, Allopathy
• Fmily History : nothing particular
• PERSONAL HISTORY: aversion to milk, cold in general aggravation thirst less, appetite poor and bowel movement: constipation m sleep struggling to get sleep.
• LIFE SPACE INVESTIGATION: patient was not in a position to give information
• PHYSICAL EXAMINATION & SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION: BP 130 / 86 mm HG, Weight 54Kgs. CVS, RS, GI system no abnormality, HYPOPIGMENTED PATCHES over face, lower limbs, non anesthetic hypo pigmentation patches.
• INVESTIGATIONS: Complete blood picture : it revealed she is Anemic
• CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Leucoderma, Depressive disorder,
Pulsatilla 21/9, Causticum 20/9, Lycopodium 20/8, Phospurus 19/8
REMEDY SELECTED : 02092005 Pulsatilla 1M one dose and placebo for 15days, no improvement , placebo for 15days, 16092005 no improvement , Pulsatilla 1M one dose and placebo for 15days was repeated, 18102005she came after a month with following improvement, constipation relived, appetite slightly improved and able to get sleep. placebo for 15days was repeated. 21122005 two months after she came and said fear and dullness was better, placebo for 15days was repeated. Patient did not turn up after.
CASE SUMMARY: case belongs to lower middle class, widow, dependent, with multiple social and psychiatric problems, as she is a burden to her son; leucoderma has become a social problem for her and for her grand daughters who are to be married. In this case I could not cure her health problems; she was slightly recovered from depression with homoeopathic treatment. Geriatric problems are very difficult as it is inter linked with multiple social and psychological problems, as case is with multidimensional problems it takes long time to recover.
**** case was published in Asian Journal Homoeopathy ,VOL 5 NO 2 (15) May 2011 -july 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
A case of Geriatric problems, Homoeopathy, Dr G R Mohan
Smt P 70F
Whitish discoloration over face,
Weeping tendency,
Falling tendency
• Patient belongs to lower middle class, widow, dependent, discoloration over face since 2 decades, worried about her complaints, thinks that because of her discoloration over face granddaughters may not get matches for their marriage , weeping tendency, falling tendency to sides, wants company, Inferiority complex due her discoloration over face, memory bad, indifference, fear of croud, fear of dark, suspicious.
• PAST HISTORY : nothing particular
• TREATMENT HISTORY : multiple treatment like Ayurvedic,Unani, Allopathy
• Fmily History : nothing particular
• PERSONAL HISTORY: aversion to milk, cold in general aggravation thirst less, appetite poor and bowel movement: constipation m sleep struggling to get sleep.
• LIFE SPACE INVESTIGATION: patient was not in a position to give information
• PHYSICAL EXAMINATION & SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION: BP 130 / 86 mm HG, Weight 54Kgs. CVS, RS, GI system no abnormality, HYPOPIGMENTED PATCHES over face, lower limbs, non anesthetic hypo pigmentation patches.
• INVESTIGATIONS: Complete blood picture : it revealed she is Anemic
• CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Leucoderma, Depressive disorder,
Pulsatilla 21/9, Causticum 20/9, Lycopodium 20/8, Phospurus 19/8
REMEDY SELECTED : 02092005 Pulsatilla 1M one dose and placebo for 15days, no improvement , placebo for 15days, 16092005 no improvement , Pulsatilla 1M one dose and placebo for 15days was repeated, 18102005she came after a month with following improvement, constipation relived, appetite slightly improved and able to get sleep. placebo for 15days was repeated. 21122005 two months after she came and said fear and dullness was better, placebo for 15days was repeated. Patient did not turn up after.
CASE SUMMARY: case belongs to lower middle class, widow, dependent, with multiple social and psychiatric problems, as she is a burden to her son; leucoderma has become a social problem for her and for her grand daughters who are to be married. In this case I could not cure her health problems; she was slightly recovered from depression with homoeopathic treatment. Geriatric problems are very difficult as it is inter linked with multiple social and psychological problems, as case is with multidimensional problems it takes long time to recover.
**** case was published in Asian Journal Homoeopathy ,VOL 5 NO 2 (15) May 2011 -july 2011
Whitish discoloration over face,
Weeping tendency,
Falling tendency
• Patient belongs to lower middle class, widow, dependent, discoloration over face since 2 decades, worried about her complaints, thinks that because of her discoloration over face granddaughters may not get matches for their marriage , weeping tendency, falling tendency to sides, wants company, Inferiority complex due her discoloration over face, memory bad, indifference, fear of croud, fear of dark, suspicious.
• PAST HISTORY : nothing particular
• TREATMENT HISTORY : multiple treatment like Ayurvedic,Unani, Allopathy
• Fmily History : nothing particular
• PERSONAL HISTORY: aversion to milk, cold in general aggravation thirst less, appetite poor and bowel movement: constipation m sleep struggling to get sleep.
• LIFE SPACE INVESTIGATION: patient was not in a position to give information
• PHYSICAL EXAMINATION & SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION: BP 130 / 86 mm HG, Weight 54Kgs. CVS, RS, GI system no abnormality, HYPOPIGMENTED PATCHES over face, lower limbs, non anesthetic hypo pigmentation patches.
• INVESTIGATIONS: Complete blood picture : it revealed she is Anemic
• CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Leucoderma, Depressive disorder,
Pulsatilla 21/9, Causticum 20/9, Lycopodium 20/8, Phospurus 19/8
REMEDY SELECTED : 02092005 Pulsatilla 1M one dose and placebo for 15days, no improvement , placebo for 15days, 16092005 no improvement , Pulsatilla 1M one dose and placebo for 15days was repeated, 18102005she came after a month with following improvement, constipation relived, appetite slightly improved and able to get sleep. placebo for 15days was repeated. 21122005 two months after she came and said fear and dullness was better, placebo for 15days was repeated. Patient did not turn up after.
CASE SUMMARY: case belongs to lower middle class, widow, dependent, with multiple social and psychiatric problems, as she is a burden to her son; leucoderma has become a social problem for her and for her grand daughters who are to be married. In this case I could not cure her health problems; she was slightly recovered from depression with homoeopathic treatment. Geriatric problems are very difficult as it is inter linked with multiple social and psychological problems, as case is with multidimensional problems it takes long time to recover.
**** case was published in Asian Journal Homoeopathy ,VOL 5 NO 2 (15) May 2011 -july 2011
A case of Geriatric problems, Homoeopathy, Dr G R Mohan
Smt P 70F
Whitish discoloration over face,
Weeping tendency,
Falling tendency
• Patient belongs to lower middle class, widow, dependent, discoloration over face since 2 decades, worried about her complaints, thinks that because of her discoloration over face granddaughters may not get matches for their marriage , weeping tendency, falling tendency to sides, wants company, Inferiority complex due her discoloration over face, memory bad, indifference, fear of croud, fear of dark, suspicious.
• PAST HISTORY : nothing particular
• TREATMENT HISTORY : multiple treatment like Ayurvedic,Unani, Allopathy
• Fmily History : nothing particular
• PERSONAL HISTORY: aversion to milk, cold in general aggravation thirst less, appetite poor and bowel movement: constipation m sleep struggling to get sleep.
• LIFE SPACE INVESTIGATION: patient was not in a position to give information
• PHYSICAL EXAMINATION & SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION: BP 130 / 86 mm HG, Weight 54Kgs. CVS, RS, GI system no abnormality, HYPOPIGMENTED PATCHES over face, lower limbs, non anesthetic hypo pigmentation patches.
• INVESTIGATIONS: Complete blood picture : it revealed she is Anemic
• CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Leucoderma, Depressive disorder,
Pulsatilla 21/9, Causticum 20/9, Lycopodium 20/8, Phospurus 19/8
REMEDY SELECTED : 02092005 Pulsatilla 1M one dose and placebo for 15days, no improvement , placebo for 15days, 16092005 no improvement , Pulsatilla 1M one dose and placebo for 15days was repeated, 18102005she came after a month with following improvement, constipation relived, appetite slightly improved and able to get sleep. placebo for 15days was repeated. 21122005 two months after she came and said fear and dullness was better, placebo for 15days was repeated. Patient did not turn up after.
CASE SUMMARY: case belongs to lower middle class, widow, dependent, with multiple social and psychiatric problems, as she is a burden to her son; leucoderma has become a social problem for her and for her grand daughters who are to be married. In this case I could not cure her health problems; she was slightly recovered from depression with homoeopathic treatment. Geriatric problems are very difficult as it is inter linked with multiple social and psychological problems, as case is with multidimensional problems it takes long time to recover.
**** case was published in Asian Journal Homoeopathy ,VOL 5 NO 2 (15) May 2011 -july 2011
Whitish discoloration over face,
Weeping tendency,
Falling tendency
• Patient belongs to lower middle class, widow, dependent, discoloration over face since 2 decades, worried about her complaints, thinks that because of her discoloration over face granddaughters may not get matches for their marriage , weeping tendency, falling tendency to sides, wants company, Inferiority complex due her discoloration over face, memory bad, indifference, fear of croud, fear of dark, suspicious.
• PAST HISTORY : nothing particular
• TREATMENT HISTORY : multiple treatment like Ayurvedic,Unani, Allopathy
• Fmily History : nothing particular
• PERSONAL HISTORY: aversion to milk, cold in general aggravation thirst less, appetite poor and bowel movement: constipation m sleep struggling to get sleep.
• LIFE SPACE INVESTIGATION: patient was not in a position to give information
• PHYSICAL EXAMINATION & SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION: BP 130 / 86 mm HG, Weight 54Kgs. CVS, RS, GI system no abnormality, HYPOPIGMENTED PATCHES over face, lower limbs, non anesthetic hypo pigmentation patches.
• INVESTIGATIONS: Complete blood picture : it revealed she is Anemic
• CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: Leucoderma, Depressive disorder,
Pulsatilla 21/9, Causticum 20/9, Lycopodium 20/8, Phospurus 19/8
REMEDY SELECTED : 02092005 Pulsatilla 1M one dose and placebo for 15days, no improvement , placebo for 15days, 16092005 no improvement , Pulsatilla 1M one dose and placebo for 15days was repeated, 18102005she came after a month with following improvement, constipation relived, appetite slightly improved and able to get sleep. placebo for 15days was repeated. 21122005 two months after she came and said fear and dullness was better, placebo for 15days was repeated. Patient did not turn up after.
CASE SUMMARY: case belongs to lower middle class, widow, dependent, with multiple social and psychiatric problems, as she is a burden to her son; leucoderma has become a social problem for her and for her grand daughters who are to be married. In this case I could not cure her health problems; she was slightly recovered from depression with homoeopathic treatment. Geriatric problems are very difficult as it is inter linked with multiple social and psychological problems, as case is with multidimensional problems it takes long time to recover.
**** case was published in Asian Journal Homoeopathy ,VOL 5 NO 2 (15) May 2011 -july 2011
Common Geriatric Problems in day-to-day Homoeopathic Practice
Geriatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases of old age. The study of physical and psychological changes that occur in old age is called “gerontology”. At present, there few such specialty in India though 20 per cent of doctor visits, 30 per cent of hospital days and 50 per cent of bed-ridden days relate to the elderly. In 1947, when India became independent, the average life span of an Indian was around 32 years. Now it has gone beyond sixty years. The elderly population in India which was 7.7 crore, as per Census 2001, is projected to be around 9.5 crore in 2011. it is projected to further go up to 17.3 crore in 2026. Rise in the share of elderly in total population poses multiple challenges. These challenges, like for the younger generation, who can utilize the vast repository of knowledge that our elderly possess. Simultaneously, our senior citizens too have to think of ways to creatively and usefully occupy themselves.3 , 1, 2
Social problems like Poverty, Loneliness, Dependency, Isolation, Elder abuse, Generation Gap are common. 2/3rd of Indian elderly live in rural areas. Geriatric problems are related to socio-economic status, health and living status One-third was reported to be living below the poverty line, Overall 75% of the economically dependent elderly are supported by their children and grandchildren. Chronic interfamily verbal abuse are the most common, followed by financial abuse, physical abuse, and neglect by adult children, daughters-in-law, spouses, and sons-in-law. Per capita costs for acute and long-term health care services are beyond reach.2,1
The following are few of the health problems that are observed in day to day practice - 88% visual impairment, 40% joint disorders like Osteoarthritis - Falling is a very common and often, a serious problem for older persons as it results in injuries such as broken bones and cuts, and the need for hospital care. 18.7% neurological complaints, 17.4% Cardio Vascular Diseases, 16.1% Respiratory disorders, 13.3% skin, 9% Gastro intestinal disorders, 8.5% psychiatric problems, 8.2% Hearing problems and 3.5 % bladder control problems are found in 1 out of 3 people over the age of 65.. 1.7 million deaths in this age group are due to chronic diseases, 36.3% were due to heart disease, 22.5% to cancer, and 8.2% to cerebro vascular diseases, Lung cancer has the second highest incidence in men at all older ages and in women aged 55 to 75.Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in men aged 55.1
Psychological problems commonly observed are dementia, anxiety, depression, fear, somatoform disorders, psychosis, sexual problems like sexual dysfunction, substance abuse and sleep problems like loss of deepest levels of non-REM sleep, more daytime napping among the elderly, sleep apnea. The common cause of these problems are retirement, loss of personal identity, disruption of daily routines, death of a spouse, family members, or friends, changes in social and financial circumstances. Alzheimer's disease plus vascular dementia are common. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type and it accounts for about 2/3 of cases of established dementia. The incidence of seizures increases throughout the course of dementia. Hallucinations, delusions, or paranoia occurs in about 25% of patients with dementia.
In the treatment of Geriatrics, Homoeopathic system has an edge over the conventional medicinal system. According to Dr Hahnemann, physician should clearly perceive what is to be cured in diseases; and to achieve this in Geriatrics, history and physical examination sometimes needs to be modified. Because a complete history may not be obtainable, elderly patients may present with many nonspecific symptoms making it difficult to undertake the case taking. Hearing or vision loss, common in the elderly, can also interfere with the case taking. Elderly patients may under-report symptoms (E.g.: dyspnea, hearing or vision loss, problems with memory, incontinence, gait disturbance, constipation, dizziness, falls), which they consider a part of normal aging. As a physician we may need to focus more on the physical examination to elicit objective symptoms. Elderly patients may have difficulty recalling all past illnesses, hospitalizations, operations, and drug use, have to obtain these data from family member, aide or medical records. Past medical history when reviewing the physician should ask the patient about diseases that used to be more common, past psychiatric care, including psychotherapy, institutionalization, and electroconvulsive therapy and the use of psychoactive drugs or antidepressants. Drug history & Nutrition history are also important.
Common Homoeopathic remedies indicated 4:
O - Old age, senility
ambr. ant-c. arn. ars. AUR. BAR-C. caps. carb-an. carb-v. chin. Con. fl-ac. hydr. KALI-C. LACH. LYC. nit-ac. OP. phos. sanic. sars. Sec. sel. seneg. sil. squil. sul-ac. sulph. sumb. syph. tub. verat.
Phatak S R Repertory
GENERALS - OLD AGE - old people
Abies-n. acet-ac. Acon. Agar. Agn. All-s. Aloe Alum. alumn. Am-c. am-m. AMBR. Ammc. Anac. Ant-c. ant-t. apis Arg-n. Arn. Ars. ars-s-f. AUR. bapt. BAR-C. Bar-m. Bry. calc. Calc-p. camph. cann-i. caps. Carb-an. Carb-v. carc. Caust. Cham. chin. chinin-s. cic. cit-v. COCA cocc. Colch. Con. crot-h. cupr. dig. Fl-ac. gali. gamb. gins. Graph. ham. Hydr. hydrog. hyos. Iod. Irid-met. Iris kali-ar. kali-bi. KALI-C. kreos. LACH. LYC. mag-f. merc. Mill. nat-c. Nat-m. nat-s. Nit-ac. nux-m. nux-v. OP. orch. Ov. perh. ph-ac. Phos. puls. rhus-t. ruta sabad. sabal sanic. sarcol-ac. sars. SEC. SEL. Seneg. sep. Sil. sul-ac. Sulph. sumb. Syph. ter. TEUCR. thiosin. thuj. tub. Verat. zinc.
Synthesis 8.1 V (Radar 10.0)
The following are 1ST and 2nd graded remedies for Dementia (Boericke) 3 Agar ,3 Anac ,3 Bell ,3 Hyos ,3 Lil-t 3 Nat-sal ,3 Ph-ac ,3 Phos ,3 Pic-ac ,3 Verat ,2 Apisin ,2 Calc, 2 Calc-p ,2 Cann-i ,2 Con ,2 Ign ,2 Merc ,2 Op,2 Sulph ,2 Hell
MIND - DEMENTIA - senilis
agn. alum. Ambr. anac. ant-c. arg-met. aur. Aur-i. aza. bapt. bar-act. Bar-c. bell. bry. calc-p. carc. Con. Crot-h. Cupr. gaert. ign. lach. lil-t. nat-i. nat-m. nux-v. phos. plb. puls. sec. sep. sulph.
Synthesis 8.1 V (Radar 10.0)
A small study on 49 Geriatrics cases was done, in this study Literates were 19 and Illiterates were 30. Day to day activity in them is as follows 1) very good:3,2) good:17, 3)no activity:29, psychological problems Anxiety 9,Fear 7, Depression 16, Somatoform disorders 6, Dementia 2 , Psychosis 2 and sleep problems 7, Physical problems were as follows urinary problems like stress incontinence, constipation, falling tendency, injuries, memory loss, pain multiple joints more so knee joints, low back pain, visual impairment, impaired hearing, shortness of breath, flatulence , irritable bowels, etc along with Hypertension and Diabetic in majority of cases .In majority of cases they are more concerned about loneliness, visual impairment , lack of vital heat and sleep.Remedies used are shown in the table.
******full text is avaiable in Asian journal of Homoeopathy,vol.5no 2(15) May 2011-july 2011
Social problems like Poverty, Loneliness, Dependency, Isolation, Elder abuse, Generation Gap are common. 2/3rd of Indian elderly live in rural areas. Geriatric problems are related to socio-economic status, health and living status One-third was reported to be living below the poverty line, Overall 75% of the economically dependent elderly are supported by their children and grandchildren. Chronic interfamily verbal abuse are the most common, followed by financial abuse, physical abuse, and neglect by adult children, daughters-in-law, spouses, and sons-in-law. Per capita costs for acute and long-term health care services are beyond reach.2,1
The following are few of the health problems that are observed in day to day practice - 88% visual impairment, 40% joint disorders like Osteoarthritis - Falling is a very common and often, a serious problem for older persons as it results in injuries such as broken bones and cuts, and the need for hospital care. 18.7% neurological complaints, 17.4% Cardio Vascular Diseases, 16.1% Respiratory disorders, 13.3% skin, 9% Gastro intestinal disorders, 8.5% psychiatric problems, 8.2% Hearing problems and 3.5 % bladder control problems are found in 1 out of 3 people over the age of 65.. 1.7 million deaths in this age group are due to chronic diseases, 36.3% were due to heart disease, 22.5% to cancer, and 8.2% to cerebro vascular diseases, Lung cancer has the second highest incidence in men at all older ages and in women aged 55 to 75.Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in men aged 55.1
Psychological problems commonly observed are dementia, anxiety, depression, fear, somatoform disorders, psychosis, sexual problems like sexual dysfunction, substance abuse and sleep problems like loss of deepest levels of non-REM sleep, more daytime napping among the elderly, sleep apnea. The common cause of these problems are retirement, loss of personal identity, disruption of daily routines, death of a spouse, family members, or friends, changes in social and financial circumstances. Alzheimer's disease plus vascular dementia are common. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type and it accounts for about 2/3 of cases of established dementia. The incidence of seizures increases throughout the course of dementia. Hallucinations, delusions, or paranoia occurs in about 25% of patients with dementia.
In the treatment of Geriatrics, Homoeopathic system has an edge over the conventional medicinal system. According to Dr Hahnemann, physician should clearly perceive what is to be cured in diseases; and to achieve this in Geriatrics, history and physical examination sometimes needs to be modified. Because a complete history may not be obtainable, elderly patients may present with many nonspecific symptoms making it difficult to undertake the case taking. Hearing or vision loss, common in the elderly, can also interfere with the case taking. Elderly patients may under-report symptoms (E.g.: dyspnea, hearing or vision loss, problems with memory, incontinence, gait disturbance, constipation, dizziness, falls), which they consider a part of normal aging. As a physician we may need to focus more on the physical examination to elicit objective symptoms. Elderly patients may have difficulty recalling all past illnesses, hospitalizations, operations, and drug use, have to obtain these data from family member, aide or medical records. Past medical history when reviewing the physician should ask the patient about diseases that used to be more common, past psychiatric care, including psychotherapy, institutionalization, and electroconvulsive therapy and the use of psychoactive drugs or antidepressants. Drug history & Nutrition history are also important.
Common Homoeopathic remedies indicated 4:
O - Old age, senility
ambr. ant-c. arn. ars. AUR. BAR-C. caps. carb-an. carb-v. chin. Con. fl-ac. hydr. KALI-C. LACH. LYC. nit-ac. OP. phos. sanic. sars. Sec. sel. seneg. sil. squil. sul-ac. sulph. sumb. syph. tub. verat.
Phatak S R Repertory
GENERALS - OLD AGE - old people
Abies-n. acet-ac. Acon. Agar. Agn. All-s. Aloe Alum. alumn. Am-c. am-m. AMBR. Ammc. Anac. Ant-c. ant-t. apis Arg-n. Arn. Ars. ars-s-f. AUR. bapt. BAR-C. Bar-m. Bry. calc. Calc-p. camph. cann-i. caps. Carb-an. Carb-v. carc. Caust. Cham. chin. chinin-s. cic. cit-v. COCA cocc. Colch. Con. crot-h. cupr. dig. Fl-ac. gali. gamb. gins. Graph. ham. Hydr. hydrog. hyos. Iod. Irid-met. Iris kali-ar. kali-bi. KALI-C. kreos. LACH. LYC. mag-f. merc. Mill. nat-c. Nat-m. nat-s. Nit-ac. nux-m. nux-v. OP. orch. Ov. perh. ph-ac. Phos. puls. rhus-t. ruta sabad. sabal sanic. sarcol-ac. sars. SEC. SEL. Seneg. sep. Sil. sul-ac. Sulph. sumb. Syph. ter. TEUCR. thiosin. thuj. tub. Verat. zinc.
Synthesis 8.1 V (Radar 10.0)
The following are 1ST and 2nd graded remedies for Dementia (Boericke) 3 Agar ,3 Anac ,3 Bell ,3 Hyos ,3 Lil-t 3 Nat-sal ,3 Ph-ac ,3 Phos ,3 Pic-ac ,3 Verat ,2 Apisin ,2 Calc, 2 Calc-p ,2 Cann-i ,2 Con ,2 Ign ,2 Merc ,2 Op,2 Sulph ,2 Hell
MIND - DEMENTIA - senilis
agn. alum. Ambr. anac. ant-c. arg-met. aur. Aur-i. aza. bapt. bar-act. Bar-c. bell. bry. calc-p. carc. Con. Crot-h. Cupr. gaert. ign. lach. lil-t. nat-i. nat-m. nux-v. phos. plb. puls. sec. sep. sulph.
Synthesis 8.1 V (Radar 10.0)
A small study on 49 Geriatrics cases was done, in this study Literates were 19 and Illiterates were 30. Day to day activity in them is as follows 1) very good:3,2) good:17, 3)no activity:29, psychological problems Anxiety 9,Fear 7, Depression 16, Somatoform disorders 6, Dementia 2 , Psychosis 2 and sleep problems 7, Physical problems were as follows urinary problems like stress incontinence, constipation, falling tendency, injuries, memory loss, pain multiple joints more so knee joints, low back pain, visual impairment, impaired hearing, shortness of breath, flatulence , irritable bowels, etc along with Hypertension and Diabetic in majority of cases .In majority of cases they are more concerned about loneliness, visual impairment , lack of vital heat and sleep.Remedies used are shown in the table.
******full text is avaiable in Asian journal of Homoeopathy,vol.5no 2(15) May 2011-july 2011
Dr G R Mohan,
Geriatric Problems,
Common Geriatric Problems in day-to-day Homoeopathic Practice
Geriatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases of old age. The study of physical and psychological changes that occur in old age is called “gerontology”. At present, there few such specialty in India though 20 per cent of doctor visits, 30 per cent of hospital days and 50 per cent of bed-ridden days relate to the elderly. In 1947, when India became independent, the average life span of an Indian was around 32 years. Now it has gone beyond sixty years. The elderly population in India which was 7.7 crore, as per Census 2001, is projected to be around 9.5 crore in 2011. it is projected to further go up to 17.3 crore in 2026. Rise in the share of elderly in total population poses multiple challenges. These challenges, like for the younger generation, who can utilize the vast repository of knowledge that our elderly possess. Simultaneously, our senior citizens too have to think of ways to creatively and usefully occupy themselves.3 , 1, 2
Social problems like Poverty, Loneliness, Dependency, Isolation, Elder abuse, Generation Gap are common. 2/3rd of Indian elderly live in rural areas. Geriatric problems are related to socio-economic status, health and living status One-third was reported to be living below the poverty line, Overall 75% of the economically dependent elderly are supported by their children and grandchildren. Chronic interfamily verbal abuse are the most common, followed by financial abuse, physical abuse, and neglect by adult children, daughters-in-law, spouses, and sons-in-law. Per capita costs for acute and long-term health care services are beyond reach.2,1
The following are few of the health problems that are observed in day to day practice - 88% visual impairment, 40% joint disorders like Osteoarthritis - Falling is a very common and often, a serious problem for older persons as it results in injuries such as broken bones and cuts, and the need for hospital care. 18.7% neurological complaints, 17.4% Cardio Vascular Diseases, 16.1% Respiratory disorders, 13.3% skin, 9% Gastro intestinal disorders, 8.5% psychiatric problems, 8.2% Hearing problems and 3.5 % bladder control problems are found in 1 out of 3 people over the age of 65.. 1.7 million deaths in this age group are due to chronic diseases, 36.3% were due to heart disease, 22.5% to cancer, and 8.2% to cerebro vascular diseases, Lung cancer has the second highest incidence in men at all older ages and in women aged 55 to 75.Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in men aged 55.1
Psychological problems commonly observed are dementia, anxiety, depression, fear, somatoform disorders, psychosis, sexual problems like sexual dysfunction, substance abuse and sleep problems like loss of deepest levels of non-REM sleep, more daytime napping among the elderly, sleep apnea. The common cause of these problems are retirement, loss of personal identity, disruption of daily routines, death of a spouse, family members, or friends, changes in social and financial circumstances. Alzheimer's disease plus vascular dementia are common. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type and it accounts for about 2/3 of cases of established dementia. The incidence of seizures increases throughout the course of dementia. Hallucinations, delusions, or paranoia occurs in about 25% of patients with dementia.
In the treatment of Geriatrics, Homoeopathic system has an edge over the conventional medicinal system. According to Dr Hahnemann, physician should clearly perceive what is to be cured in diseases; and to achieve this in Geriatrics, history and physical examination sometimes needs to be modified. Because a complete history may not be obtainable, elderly patients may present with many nonspecific symptoms making it difficult to undertake the case taking. Hearing or vision loss, common in the elderly, can also interfere with the case taking. Elderly patients may under-report symptoms (E.g.: dyspnea, hearing or vision loss, problems with memory, incontinence, gait disturbance, constipation, dizziness, falls), which they consider a part of normal aging. As a physician we may need to focus more on the physical examination to elicit objective symptoms. Elderly patients may have difficulty recalling all past illnesses, hospitalizations, operations, and drug use, have to obtain these data from family member, aide or medical records. Past medical history when reviewing the physician should ask the patient about diseases that used to be more common, past psychiatric care, including psychotherapy, institutionalization, and electroconvulsive therapy and the use of psychoactive drugs or antidepressants. Drug history & Nutrition history are also important.
Common Homoeopathic remedies indicated 4:
O - Old age, senility
ambr. ant-c. arn. ars. AUR. BAR-C. caps. carb-an. carb-v. chin. Con. fl-ac. hydr. KALI-C. LACH. LYC. nit-ac. OP. phos. sanic. sars. Sec. sel. seneg. sil. squil. sul-ac. sulph. sumb. syph. tub. verat.
Phatak S R Repertory
GENERALS - OLD AGE - old people
Abies-n. acet-ac. Acon. Agar. Agn. All-s. Aloe Alum. alumn. Am-c. am-m. AMBR. Ammc. Anac. Ant-c. ant-t. apis Arg-n. Arn. Ars. ars-s-f. AUR. bapt. BAR-C. Bar-m. Bry. calc. Calc-p. camph. cann-i. caps. Carb-an. Carb-v. carc. Caust. Cham. chin. chinin-s. cic. cit-v. COCA cocc. Colch. Con. crot-h. cupr. dig. Fl-ac. gali. gamb. gins. Graph. ham. Hydr. hydrog. hyos. Iod. Irid-met. Iris kali-ar. kali-bi. KALI-C. kreos. LACH. LYC. mag-f. merc. Mill. nat-c. Nat-m. nat-s. Nit-ac. nux-m. nux-v. OP. orch. Ov. perh. ph-ac. Phos. puls. rhus-t. ruta sabad. sabal sanic. sarcol-ac. sars. SEC. SEL. Seneg. sep. Sil. sul-ac. Sulph. sumb. Syph. ter. TEUCR. thiosin. thuj. tub. Verat. zinc.
Synthesis 8.1 V (Radar 10.0)
The following are 1ST and 2nd graded remedies for Dementia (Boericke) 3 Agar ,3 Anac ,3 Bell ,3 Hyos ,3 Lil-t 3 Nat-sal ,3 Ph-ac ,3 Phos ,3 Pic-ac ,3 Verat ,2 Apisin ,2 Calc, 2 Calc-p ,2 Cann-i ,2 Con ,2 Ign ,2 Merc ,2 Op,2 Sulph ,2 Hell
MIND - DEMENTIA - senilis
agn. alum. Ambr. anac. ant-c. arg-met. aur. Aur-i. aza. bapt. bar-act. Bar-c. bell. bry. calc-p. carc. Con. Crot-h. Cupr. gaert. ign. lach. lil-t. nat-i. nat-m. nux-v. phos. plb. puls. sec. sep. sulph.
Synthesis 8.1 V (Radar 10.0)
A small study on 49 Geriatrics cases was done, in this study Literates were 19 and Illiterates were 30. Day to day activity in them is as follows 1) very good:3,2) good:17, 3)no activity:29, psychological problems Anxiety 9,Fear 7, Depression 16, Somatoform disorders 6, Dementia 2 , Psychosis 2 and sleep problems 7, Physical problems were as follows urinary problems like stress incontinence, constipation, falling tendency, injuries, memory loss, pain multiple joints more so knee joints, low back pain, visual impairment, impaired hearing, shortness of breath, flatulence , irritable bowels, etc along with Hypertension and Diabetic in majority of cases .In majority of cases they are more concerned about loneliness, visual impairment , lack of vital heat and sleep.Remedies used are shown in the table.
******full text is avaiable in Asian journal of Homoeopathy,vol.5no 2(15) May 2011-july 2011
Social problems like Poverty, Loneliness, Dependency, Isolation, Elder abuse, Generation Gap are common. 2/3rd of Indian elderly live in rural areas. Geriatric problems are related to socio-economic status, health and living status One-third was reported to be living below the poverty line, Overall 75% of the economically dependent elderly are supported by their children and grandchildren. Chronic interfamily verbal abuse are the most common, followed by financial abuse, physical abuse, and neglect by adult children, daughters-in-law, spouses, and sons-in-law. Per capita costs for acute and long-term health care services are beyond reach.2,1
The following are few of the health problems that are observed in day to day practice - 88% visual impairment, 40% joint disorders like Osteoarthritis - Falling is a very common and often, a serious problem for older persons as it results in injuries such as broken bones and cuts, and the need for hospital care. 18.7% neurological complaints, 17.4% Cardio Vascular Diseases, 16.1% Respiratory disorders, 13.3% skin, 9% Gastro intestinal disorders, 8.5% psychiatric problems, 8.2% Hearing problems and 3.5 % bladder control problems are found in 1 out of 3 people over the age of 65.. 1.7 million deaths in this age group are due to chronic diseases, 36.3% were due to heart disease, 22.5% to cancer, and 8.2% to cerebro vascular diseases, Lung cancer has the second highest incidence in men at all older ages and in women aged 55 to 75.Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in men aged 55.1
Psychological problems commonly observed are dementia, anxiety, depression, fear, somatoform disorders, psychosis, sexual problems like sexual dysfunction, substance abuse and sleep problems like loss of deepest levels of non-REM sleep, more daytime napping among the elderly, sleep apnea. The common cause of these problems are retirement, loss of personal identity, disruption of daily routines, death of a spouse, family members, or friends, changes in social and financial circumstances. Alzheimer's disease plus vascular dementia are common. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type and it accounts for about 2/3 of cases of established dementia. The incidence of seizures increases throughout the course of dementia. Hallucinations, delusions, or paranoia occurs in about 25% of patients with dementia.
In the treatment of Geriatrics, Homoeopathic system has an edge over the conventional medicinal system. According to Dr Hahnemann, physician should clearly perceive what is to be cured in diseases; and to achieve this in Geriatrics, history and physical examination sometimes needs to be modified. Because a complete history may not be obtainable, elderly patients may present with many nonspecific symptoms making it difficult to undertake the case taking. Hearing or vision loss, common in the elderly, can also interfere with the case taking. Elderly patients may under-report symptoms (E.g.: dyspnea, hearing or vision loss, problems with memory, incontinence, gait disturbance, constipation, dizziness, falls), which they consider a part of normal aging. As a physician we may need to focus more on the physical examination to elicit objective symptoms. Elderly patients may have difficulty recalling all past illnesses, hospitalizations, operations, and drug use, have to obtain these data from family member, aide or medical records. Past medical history when reviewing the physician should ask the patient about diseases that used to be more common, past psychiatric care, including psychotherapy, institutionalization, and electroconvulsive therapy and the use of psychoactive drugs or antidepressants. Drug history & Nutrition history are also important.
Common Homoeopathic remedies indicated 4:
O - Old age, senility
ambr. ant-c. arn. ars. AUR. BAR-C. caps. carb-an. carb-v. chin. Con. fl-ac. hydr. KALI-C. LACH. LYC. nit-ac. OP. phos. sanic. sars. Sec. sel. seneg. sil. squil. sul-ac. sulph. sumb. syph. tub. verat.
Phatak S R Repertory
GENERALS - OLD AGE - old people
Abies-n. acet-ac. Acon. Agar. Agn. All-s. Aloe Alum. alumn. Am-c. am-m. AMBR. Ammc. Anac. Ant-c. ant-t. apis Arg-n. Arn. Ars. ars-s-f. AUR. bapt. BAR-C. Bar-m. Bry. calc. Calc-p. camph. cann-i. caps. Carb-an. Carb-v. carc. Caust. Cham. chin. chinin-s. cic. cit-v. COCA cocc. Colch. Con. crot-h. cupr. dig. Fl-ac. gali. gamb. gins. Graph. ham. Hydr. hydrog. hyos. Iod. Irid-met. Iris kali-ar. kali-bi. KALI-C. kreos. LACH. LYC. mag-f. merc. Mill. nat-c. Nat-m. nat-s. Nit-ac. nux-m. nux-v. OP. orch. Ov. perh. ph-ac. Phos. puls. rhus-t. ruta sabad. sabal sanic. sarcol-ac. sars. SEC. SEL. Seneg. sep. Sil. sul-ac. Sulph. sumb. Syph. ter. TEUCR. thiosin. thuj. tub. Verat. zinc.
Synthesis 8.1 V (Radar 10.0)
The following are 1ST and 2nd graded remedies for Dementia (Boericke) 3 Agar ,3 Anac ,3 Bell ,3 Hyos ,3 Lil-t 3 Nat-sal ,3 Ph-ac ,3 Phos ,3 Pic-ac ,3 Verat ,2 Apisin ,2 Calc, 2 Calc-p ,2 Cann-i ,2 Con ,2 Ign ,2 Merc ,2 Op,2 Sulph ,2 Hell
MIND - DEMENTIA - senilis
agn. alum. Ambr. anac. ant-c. arg-met. aur. Aur-i. aza. bapt. bar-act. Bar-c. bell. bry. calc-p. carc. Con. Crot-h. Cupr. gaert. ign. lach. lil-t. nat-i. nat-m. nux-v. phos. plb. puls. sec. sep. sulph.
Synthesis 8.1 V (Radar 10.0)
A small study on 49 Geriatrics cases was done, in this study Literates were 19 and Illiterates were 30. Day to day activity in them is as follows 1) very good:3,2) good:17, 3)no activity:29, psychological problems Anxiety 9,Fear 7, Depression 16, Somatoform disorders 6, Dementia 2 , Psychosis 2 and sleep problems 7, Physical problems were as follows urinary problems like stress incontinence, constipation, falling tendency, injuries, memory loss, pain multiple joints more so knee joints, low back pain, visual impairment, impaired hearing, shortness of breath, flatulence , irritable bowels, etc along with Hypertension and Diabetic in majority of cases .In majority of cases they are more concerned about loneliness, visual impairment , lack of vital heat and sleep.Remedies used are shown in the table.
******full text is avaiable in Asian journal of Homoeopathy,vol.5no 2(15) May 2011-july 2011
Dr G R Mohan,
Geriatric Problems,
Saturday, June 4, 2011



28 August 2011 (Sunday)
3-6-369/A/1, Street No.1, Himayatnagar, Hyderabad. 500 029.
Phone: 040-23224399
Emergency Medicine is probably one of the youngest specialities of Medicine but demands the skills and expertise of many specialities. Whether it is the broad field of knowledge of Internal Medicine or the procedural skills of surgical specialities of various organs of the body, the intervention of the Physician at that point of time is done by experience and intuition when diagnosis just falls into place. Time is the key to the practice of these specialists as the “Golden hour” of a patient in crisis could be a horizon for renewal of a bright life or an impending death. This speciality has come a long way ever since the French artillery founded the ambulance or the flying carriage when the injured soldier is transported to the nearest place for medical help. Modern Medicine has moved on from those early days of nascent practice and has evolved by the way of management and surgical intervention and Homoeopathic medicine has responded by its application in critical situations as well. All this system of Medicine propounded by Dr.Samuel Hahnemann needs is a sprite enough vital force willing to protect the light of life in the human organism.
The Andhra Pradesh Homoeopathic Association seeks to fill the gap that exists between the strength of the system of our Medicine and the confidence of the Physician and society alike. For this it brings to you some Physicians who have worked in critical care in hospitals and have managed circumstances with prescription of Homoeopathic medicines. The speakers at this one-day Seminar would emphasize on few areas very vital for critical care. Whether it is young students, house-physicians, Doctors into practice or the matured Homoeopaths they will find the day interesting with information about critical care assessments, clinical symptoms, PQRS symptoms, importance of investigations, pathological symptoms, insight into life-saving procedures, prognosis with Homoeopathic medicines in different conditions and their experiences in various emergency care issues.
This initiative of the Association would surely be an eye opener for the young Physicians who look for challenge at their hearts.
Curriculum and faculty are subject to change.
9:00 INAUGURATION By…………….
9.30 a.m:First Session
Medical emergencies and homoeopathic management
Prof.D.Prakasham, Retd Professor,Government Homoeopathic Medical College, Calicut.
Paediatric emergencies and homoeopathic management
Dr.Mantha Devendra Kumar, Consultant Homoeopath, Machilipatnam. AP
Chair Person:
Dr.K.Siva Shankar, Hon.Advisor, APHA.
1.0 P.M: LUNCH
Second Scientific Session
Surgical emergencies and homoeopathic management
Dr.K.L.Babu,Professor, Government Homoeopathic Medical College, calicut.
Gyanecological emergencies and homoeopathic management
Dr.Annapurna waghrey.Homoeopathic consultant,Hyderabad.
Chair Person:
Dr.Srinivasa Rao, Advisor, Indian Institute of Homoeopathic Physicians, Hyderabad.
The meet is going to be attended by the best in the Homoeopathic intelligentsia and is also the best platform for hospitals, Homoeopathic pharmacies, Homoeopathic stores, exhibits, hospital products, diagnostic services, Homoeopathic software, book publishers, Health insurance companies who can invite the attention of their probable clientele as they are highly likely to need their services. Your interests would be served far and wide as our delegates are to reach us from all parts of the State. All the participating organizations would be promptly acknowledged. These are the few sponsorship programmes we offer for you to associate in during the publication of Souvenir or personally at the meeting.
The tariff for the ads is hereby given for your reference.
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Multicolour ads shall be sent in CDR/ JPEG format (hard and soft copy)
Lunch for Delegates: Rs.
Breakfast: Rs.
Folders: Rs.
Backdrop: Rs.
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Drafts can be sent in the name of “The Andhra Pradesh Homoeopathic Association”, payable at Hyderabad and sent to the following address:
The Andhra Pradesh Homoeopathic Association, 3-6/-369/A/1, Street No.1, Himayatnagar, Hyderabad.
APHA PREMISES, Street No.1, Himayatnagar, Hyderabad.
STUDENTS: Rs.200/-
(The registration fee is inclusive of supplement course materials and lunch)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Trichotillomania treated with Homoeopathy,Dr G R Mohan

Trichotillomania, which is classified as an impulse control disorder by DSM-IV, is the compulsive urge to pull out one's own hair leading to noticeable hair loss, distress, and social or functional impairment. It is often chronic and difficult to treat. The hair-pulling behaviour can occur during both relaxed and stressful times, but people with Trichotillomania often experience a mounting sense of tension before hair pulling occurs or when attempting to resist the behaviour. Hair pulling was first described in the literature in 1885, [2] and the term Trichotillomania was coined by the French dermatologist François Henri Hallopeau in 1889.1.The lifetime prevalence is estimated to be between 0.6% (overall) and may be as high as 1.5% (in males) to 3.4% (in females).
Trichotillomania is usually confined to one or two sites, [1] but can involve multiple sites. The scalp is the most common pulling site, followed by the eyebrows, eyelashes, face, arms, legs, and pubic hairs.2The classic presentation is the "Friar Tuck" form of vertex and crown alopecia . Most oftentimes, hairs are removed when the mind is occupied and the hands are idle like lying in bed, reading, watching television, etc.
CASE SUMMARY: Hair pulling 6year duration took conventional medicines without any benefit, Sepia gave good results, she took 6 -7 months treatment and stopped for six months the problem didn’t recur. She gained weight her physical and psychological well being was noticed.
**** full text of article is published in Homeorizon, Homeopathic Journal :: Volume: 4, Issue: 7, May 2011 (Regulars) pl visit:
Trichotillomania treated with Homoeopathy,Dr G R Mohan
Trichotillomania, which is classified as an impulse control disorder by DSM-IV, is the compulsive urge to pull out one's own hair leading to noticeable hair loss, distress, and social or functional impairment. It is often chronic and difficult to treat. The hair-pulling behaviour can occur during both relaxed and stressful times, but people with Trichotillomania often experience a mounting sense of tension before hair pulling occurs or when attempting to resist the behaviour. Hair pulling was first described in the literature in 1885, [2] and the term Trichotillomania was coined by the French dermatologist François Henri Hallopeau in 1889.1.The lifetime prevalence is estimated to be between 0.6% (overall) and may be as high as 1.5% (in males) to 3.4% (in females).
Trichotillomania is usually confined to one or two sites, [1] but can involve multiple sites. The scalp is the most common pulling site, followed by the eyebrows, eyelashes, face, arms, legs, and pubic hairs.2The classic presentation is the "Friar Tuck" form of vertex and crown alopecia . Most oftentimes, hairs are removed when the mind is occupied and the hands are idle like lying in bed, reading, watching television, etc.
CASE SUMMARY: Hair pulling 6year duration took conventional medicines without any benefit, Sepia gave good results, she took 6 -7 months treatment and stopped for six months the problem didn’t recur. She gained weight her physical and psychological well being was noticed.
**** full text of article is published in Homeorizon, Homeopathic Journal :: Volume: 4, Issue: 7, May 2011 (Regulars) pl visit:
Trichotillomania is usually confined to one or two sites, [1] but can involve multiple sites. The scalp is the most common pulling site, followed by the eyebrows, eyelashes, face, arms, legs, and pubic hairs.2The classic presentation is the "Friar Tuck" form of vertex and crown alopecia . Most oftentimes, hairs are removed when the mind is occupied and the hands are idle like lying in bed, reading, watching television, etc.
CASE SUMMARY: Hair pulling 6year duration took conventional medicines without any benefit, Sepia gave good results, she took 6 -7 months treatment and stopped for six months the problem didn’t recur. She gained weight her physical and psychological well being was noticed.
**** full text of article is published in Homeorizon, Homeopathic Journal :: Volume: 4, Issue: 7, May 2011 (Regulars) pl visit:
Dr G R Mohan,
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